aiobearychat.openapi.message_api 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""消息相关 API.

auto generated by script at 2017-08-24 21:50:13.459796. don't edit it.

from typing import Any

from attr import NOTHING

from import API
from aiobearychat.sansio import Response, clean_nothing_keys

[文档]class MessageAPI(API): """消息相关 API."""
[文档] async def query(self, vchannel_id: str, query: str, **requester_params: Any) -> Response: """查询指定 vchannel 下的消息列表。支持以下几种查询算法: ``latest`` ~~~~~~~~~~ 查询 vchannel 下最新的消息,支持参数: - ``limit``: 查询数量限制,最大值为 100, 默认 20 ``since`` ~~~~~~~~~ 从指定位置开始拉取若干条消息,支持参数: - ``key``: 开始位置的消息 key, 不可以和 ``ts`` 同时使用 - ``ts``: 开始位置的消息 ts, 不可以和 ``ts`` 同时使用 - ``forward``: 向前(时间发生方向)获取条数 - ``backward``: 向后(时间发生方向)获取条数 **注意**: #. 使用 ``key`` 查询时,查询区间不包括 key 对应的消息 #. 使用 ``ts`` 查询时,查询区间包括 ts 对应的消息 #. ``forward`` / ``backward`` 参数可以同时使用 #. ``forward`` / ``backward`` 参数最大值为 100, #. ``forward`` / ``backward`` 均未指定时,默认使用 ``forward=100`` ``window`` ~~~~~~~~~~ 拉取一定时间窗口内的消息,支持参数: - ``from_key`` / ``to_key``: 窗口区间的消息 key - ``from_ts`` / ``to_ts``: 窗口区间的消息 ts - ``forward``: 从 from 方向往 to 方向取的消息数 - ``backward``: 从 to 方向往 from 方向取的消息数 **注意**: #. ``{from,to}_key`` 和 ``{from,to}_ts`` 不可以混用 #. 使用 ``{from,to}_key`` 查询时,查询区间不包括 key 对应的消息 #. 使用 ``{from,to}_ts`` 查询时,查询区间包括 ts 对应的消息 #. ``forward`` 和 ``backward`` 参数只能选其中一个 #. ``forward`` / ``backward`` 均未指定时,默认使用 ``forward=100`` #. 如果查询区间开始值比结束值大,返回空结果 官方文档地址: :param vchannel_id: 待查询 vchannel\_id (示例: ``=bw52O``) :type vchannel_id: :class:`str` :param query: 消息查询 payload :type query: :class:`str` :return: response. 一个 :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` 实例 :rtype: :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` ``response.body`` 返回值示例:: response.status 等于 200 时: { "messages": [ { "key": "1485236262366.0193", "updated": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "is_channel": false, "uid": "=bw52O", "fallback": null, "attachments": [], "created": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "vchannel_id": "=bw52O", "refer_key": null, "robot_id": null, "created_ts": 1485236262366, "team_id": "=bw52O", "subtype": "normal", "text": "hello" } ] } """ url_params = {} body_params = {} body_params['token'] = self._token body_params.update({ 'vchannel_id': vchannel_id, 'query': query, }) url = self.base_url + '/message.query' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } url_params = clean_nothing_keys(url_params) body_params = clean_nothing_keys(body_params) return await self._make_request('post', url, url_params=url_params, body_params=body_params, headers=headers, **requester_params)
[文档] async def info(self, vchannel_id: str, message_key: str, **requester_params: Any) -> Response: """返回一条消息的信息。 官方文档地址: :param vchannel_id: 指定的目标聊天会话 id (示例: ``=bw52O``) :type vchannel_id: :class:`str` :param message_key: 获取消息的 key (示例: ``1487667236785.0077``) :type message_key: :class:`str` :return: response. 一个 :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` 实例 :rtype: :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` ``response.body`` 返回值示例:: response.status 等于 200 时: { "key": "1485236262366.0193", "updated": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "is_channel": false, "uid": "=bw52O", "fallback": null, "attachments": [], "created": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "vchannel_id": "=bw52O", "refer_key": null, "robot_id": null, "created_ts": 1485236262366, "team_id": "=bw52O", "subtype": "normal", "text": "hello" } """ url_params = {} body_params = {} url_params['token'] = self._token url_params.update({ 'vchannel_id': vchannel_id, 'message_key': message_key, }) url = self.base_url + '/' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } url_params = clean_nothing_keys(url_params) body_params = clean_nothing_keys(body_params) body_params = None return await self._make_request('get', url, url_params=url_params, body_params=body_params, headers=headers, **requester_params)
[文档] async def create(self, vchannel_id: str, text: str, attachments: list, **requester_params: Any) -> Response: """发送一条消息到指定聊天会话。 官方文档地址: :param vchannel_id: 指定的目标聊天会话 id (示例: ``=bw52O``) :type vchannel_id: :class:`str` :param text: 消息内容 (示例: ``中午吃啥啊?``) :type text: :class:`str` :param attachments: 消息附件 :type attachments: :class:`list` :return: response. 一个 :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` 实例 :rtype: :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` ``response.body`` 返回值示例:: response.status 等于 201 时: { "key": "1485236262366.0193", "updated": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "is_channel": false, "uid": "=bw52O", "fallback": null, "attachments": [], "created": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "vchannel_id": "=bw52O", "refer_key": null, "robot_id": null, "created_ts": 1485236262366, "team_id": "=bw52O", "subtype": "normal", "text": "hello" } """ url_params = {} body_params = {} body_params['token'] = self._token body_params.update({ 'vchannel_id': vchannel_id, 'text': text, 'attachments': attachments, }) url = self.base_url + '/message.create' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } url_params = clean_nothing_keys(url_params) body_params = clean_nothing_keys(body_params) return await self._make_request('post', url, url_params=url_params, body_params=body_params, headers=headers, **requester_params)
[文档] async def delete(self, vchannel_id: str, message_key: str, **requester_params: Any) -> Response: """删除一条消息。 官方文档地址: :param vchannel_id: 消息聊天会话 id (示例: ``=bw52O``) :type vchannel_id: :class:`str` :param message_key: 删除的消息 key (示例: ``1487667236785.0077``) :type message_key: :class:`str` :return: response. 一个 :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` 实例 :rtype: :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` ``response.body`` 返回值示例:: response.status 等于 204 时: """ url_params = {} body_params = {} body_params['token'] = self._token body_params.update({ 'vchannel_id': vchannel_id, 'message_key': message_key, }) url = self.base_url + '/message.delete' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } url_params = clean_nothing_keys(url_params) body_params = clean_nothing_keys(body_params) return await self._make_request('post', url, url_params=url_params, body_params=body_params, headers=headers, **requester_params)
[文档] async def update_text(self, vchannel_id: str, message_key: str, text: str, **requester_params: Any) -> Response: """更新一条消息的内容。 官方文档地址: :param vchannel_id: 消息聊天会话 id (示例: ``=bw52O``) :type vchannel_id: :class:`str` :param message_key: 更新的消息 key (示例: ``1487667236785.0077``) :type message_key: :class:`str` :param text: 更新的消息内容 (示例: ``中午吃啥啊?``) :type text: :class:`str` :return: response. 一个 :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` 实例 :rtype: :class:`aiobearychat.sansio.Response` ``response.body`` 返回值示例:: response.status 等于 200 时: { "key": "1485236262366.0193", "updated": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "is_channel": false, "uid": "=bw52O", "fallback": null, "attachments": [], "created": "2017-01-24T13:37:42.000+0000", "vchannel_id": "=bw52O", "refer_key": null, "robot_id": null, "created_ts": 1485236262366, "team_id": "=bw52O", "subtype": "normal", "text": "hello" } """ url_params = {} body_params = {} body_params['token'] = self._token body_params.update({ 'vchannel_id': vchannel_id, 'message_key': message_key, 'text': text, }) url = self.base_url + '/message.update_text' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } url_params = clean_nothing_keys(url_params) body_params = clean_nothing_keys(body_params) return await self._make_request('patch', url, url_params=url_params, body_params=body_params, headers=headers, **requester_params)